CD-R published in a very limited edition in 2005 by Hybriden-Verlag, Berlin. This copy is signed by Valeri Scherstjanoi.
A sound-/voice-collage recorded 1989 as a farewell to East-Germany. Produced by WDR Radio (Studio Akustische Kunst) as part of the radio-play ”Berlin – Ein Lautgedicht”
Valeri Scherstjanoi, born 1950, grew up in Krasnodar in the south of the present-day Russian Federation. He is a sound-poet, performer, and graphic artist since 1968. He is the author of a number of poetry-books and has been writing theoretical texts (his own poetic theory and the practice of Ars Scribendi) as well as articles and books on the history of Russian Futurism in magazines, collections, and anthologies. He lives and works in Berlin.